
We are glad to announce that Wachemo University has been doing a cherish able service to the Ethiopian society by undertaking Ethiopian Languages Documentation and Revitalization mainly focusing on endangered languages. Ethiopia enjoys great ancestral languages and culture which were flourishing in yester years and now the university strives to preserve this legacy by doing cultural yeoman service to the country.

Language Documentation and Revitalization is part of a larger attempt by indigenous people to retain their cultural strengths in the face of the demoralizing assaults of an all-pervasive modern individualistic, materialistic, and hedonistic technological culture. Indigenous language teachers and activists play a pivotal role to save their languages and cultures from the clutches of such assaults.

We are glad to announce that with a view to strengthening the unity of our country, we shall be offering the online language learning courses on various Ethiopian languages to enable the people to learn any of the Ethiopian language other than their mother tongue through the medium of English and/or Ethiopian Amharic

The course will be divided into three major parts. First part deals with the structural phrases and practical application of the language and the rest will be devoted to contextual conversation aspects and contextual vocabulary.

These online courses will be prepared under the able guidance of the well-known authors and editors of several books, Dr.K.Sekhar, Mr.Eyasu Tilahun and Ato. Tesfaye Wolde Meskel Madie, and Ato Gebreyes Tumoro, who are the chief editors of language books and language experts.


Dr. K. Sekhar (PhD)

Associate Professor, Wachemo University

Mr. Esayu Tilahun

Public Relation & International affairs D/Director, Wachemo University


Ato. Tesfaye Wolde Meskel Madie
Ato. Gebreyes Tumoro
Ato. Abebe Moshago
Ato. Wondimu Abule

Top Management

Dr. Habtum Abebe
Dr. Biniyam Girma
Vice President, Academic Affairs
Dr. Ergogie Tesfaye W/Meskel (PhD)
Former Vice President, Research and Community Services
Dr. Tsedeke Lambore
Current Vice President, Research and Community Services